Case Study: Rewind’s Customer Journey Mapping Success


Understanding the customer journey can truly transform a business, and Rewind’s story is a perfect example. Rewind, a provider of backup and restoration software for SaaS platforms, faced significant challenges. After acquiring a similar product, their revenue fell short of expectations, and their marketing efforts weren’t attracting the right customers. Let’s delve into how Rewind tackled these challenges and see how the right strategic approach can lead to outstanding business outcomes.


After acquiring a similar product to what Rewind already did, despite their high expectations, the acquisition did not deliver the anticipated revenue boost. Rewind’s marketing efforts were no longer resonating with their ideal customer base, leading to a mismatch between their product offerings and customer needs.

Rewind realized that their understanding of the customer journey was incomplete. They were missing key insights about customer behaviour before potential customers even landed on their website. This gap in knowledge was crucial since their marketing efforts were not effectively targeting the right audience. Recognizing the need to bridge this gap, Rewind decided to embark on a comprehensive customer journey mapping initiative.

Defining the Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)

Rewind’s first step was to define their Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) properly. They knew this would be foundational to revamping their marketing and sales strategies and recognized that a precise ICP was crucial for targeting the right audience and tailoring marketing efforts effectively. To ensure they identified the right customer, they employed several key methodologies:

  • In-Depth Customer Interviews: Rewind conducted detailed interviews with existing and potential customers to gather qualitative data on their motivations, decision-making processes, pain points, and preferences. This approach allowed them to gain deep insights into the behaviours and needs of their target audience. Speaking directly to your customers allows you to get more information than you’ll learn from quantitative analysis alone. It helps paint the picture of what customers experience, the emotions they feel, the challenges they face, and the barriers they need to overcome, letting you better understand what changes need to happen to make their experience ideal for them.
    • Example Insight: Interviews revealed that many potential buyers were concerned with data compliance, a factor that was previously underemphasized in Rewind’s marketing materials.
  • Behavioural Analytics: Utilizing tools such as Google Analytics and HubSpot, Rewind analyzed user behaviour data to understand how customers interacted with their website and marketing materials. This quantitative data helped identify patterns and trends in customer behaviour, such as frequently visited pages, high drop-off points, and common paths to conversion. Combining quantitative data with qualitative insights lets you validate what your customers say and start to identify where, when, and what is causing problems in their experience.
    • Example Insight: Analysis showed that many high-intent users were using professional forums and communities for solution research, which highlighted the importance of these platforms in the customer journey.
  • PX Insights: To complement the data from Google Analytics and HubSpot, Rewind used product experience (PX) insights to get a more nuanced view of customer interactions. PX insights provided granular data on how customers engaged with specific features of their website, helping to pinpoint areas of interest and concern.
    • Example Insight: PX insights revealed that customers preferred to research the product independently and were more likely to convert if given a free trial without entering credit card information upfront.

Comprehensive Customer Journey Mapping

Armed with a newly defined, precise ICP, Rewind was equipped to undertake a comprehensive customer journey mapping project. This initiative aimed to gain a holistic understanding of their customers’ interactions and experiences across all touchpoints, both online and offline, based on the research already conducted. The process involved several key steps and tools:

  • Mapping the Customer Journey:
    • Data Collection: Rewind collected data from various sources, including Google Analytics, HubSpot, and PX insights, to track and analyze user behaviour at different stages of the customer journey.
    • Identifying Touchpoints: The team identified all the critical touchpoints that customers interacted with, from initial awareness to post-purchase support. This included website visits, interactions with marketing emails, social media engagements, and customer support inquiries.
  • Event Triggers and Customer Thoughts:
    • Event Triggers: Through analysis of their qualitative and quantitative data, Rewind was able to identify key events that triggered customer actions, such as downloading a trial version, requesting a demo, or contacting customer support.
    • Customer Thoughts and Feelings: Through customer interviews and surveys, Rewind gained insights into the thoughts and emotions of customers at each touchpoint. Understanding customer sentiment helped in identifying pain points and opportunities for improvement, such as the frustration customers felt with the complexity of the trial setup. This led Rewind to simplify the process and remove the requirement for a credit card to increase trial sign-ups.

Optimizing Marketing and Sales Strategies

Based on the insights from their customer journey mapping, Rewind set out to refine their marketing and sales strategies to better align with the identified needs and behaviours of their target customers. This comprehensive approach included several key actions:

  • Updating the Go-to-Market Strategy: Rewind segmented their audience based on their defined Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) to tailor marketing efforts more precisely. They created targeted campaigns for different segments, such as small businesses, mid-sized enterprises, and large organizations, each with unique messaging and value propositions.
  • Refining Personas and Product Positioning: Rewind developed detailed personas that included not just demographic information but also behavioural insights, pain points, and decision-making criteria. These personas guided content creation and campaign strategies. The journey mapping exercise revealed key product benefits that resonated with different customer segments. Rewind adjusted their product positioning to emphasize features such as ease of use, data security, and compliance to better align with what mattered most to their customers.
  • Creating Targeted Landing Pages: Rewind created landing pages tailored to specific customer segments and stages of the buying journey. Each landing page featured relevant case studies, testimonials, and detailed product information that addressed the specific needs and pain points of the target audience.
  • Reducing Friction in the Customer Journey: The journey mapping identified that the trial setup process was a significant friction point. Rewind simplified the trial sign-up process, removing the requirement for credit card information upfront and providing clear, step-by-step instructions.

Quantifiable Impact

The strategic optimizations driven by customer journey mapping had several profound impacts on Rewind’s marketing and sales performance, as well as overall business outcomes:

  1. Increase in Revenue: By identifying key customer segments and tailoring their messaging and content to address specific needs, Rewind was able to attract and convert more high-intent leads. The precise targeting and personalized approach led to more qualified leads entering the sales funnel and higher conversion rates from leads to paying customers, resulting in a two-fold increase in product installations.
  2. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): Simplifying the onboarding process and providing excellent post-purchase support allowed Rewind to reduce churn and increase customer loyalty. Customers appreciated the smoother experience and were more likely to continue using Rewind’s services and recommend them to others.
  3. Cost of Acquisition (COA): By focusing marketing resources on the most effective channels and tailoring messages to the specific needs of their target audience, Rewind reduced wasted spending on broad, less targeted campaigns.
  4. Enhanced Customer Engagement: The creation of targeted landing pages and content that addressed specific customer pain points led to higher engagement rates. Customers found the information more relevant and useful, which increased their interaction with the content and likelihood of conversion.
  5. Internal Alignment and Efficiency: The comprehensive customer journey map provided a clear and shared understanding of customer behaviours and needs. This alignment ensured that all teams worked cohesively towards common goals, reducing miscommunications and inefficiencies.
  6. Better Decision-Making: Rewind was able to make evidence-based decisions regarding marketing strategies, product development, and customer support enhancements. The insights from customer behaviour data and feedback allowed Rewind to prioritize initiatives that had the highest potential for positive impact.


Rewind’s success story underscores the transformative power of customer journey mapping. By understanding their customers’ journeys, Rewind was able to tailor their strategies, enhance customer satisfaction, and achieve substantial business growth. Knowing your customers is only half of the story; you need to understand how they experience your product or brand and what drove them to seek it out in the first place to craft the right experience for the right customer. This is the value proper strategic customer journey mapping brings.

As your strategic consulting partner, we can help you unlock similar value by implementing data-driven, customer-centric strategies that drive real results. For more information on how we can help your business achieve similar outcomes, visit our website or contact us directly.


  • Hotjar, “5 Successful Customer Journey Mapping Examples to Inspire You”, accessed May 16, 2024, source.
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